10:00 am Sunday School
11:00 am Worship
5:45 pm Masters Club ages 3 through 12th grade
6:00 pm Sunday Night Service
7:00 pm Wed Night Service
Welcome to Cornerstone Baptist Church! We are founded on the love of Jesus and our unshakable determination to serve Him.
The family of believers at Cornerstone would like to welcome you to come and worship the Lord with us. We are a body of down to earth saints that love the fellowship of God’s people and the infallible Word Of God.
Our History
Our humble beginnings back in the autumn of 2002, found us meeting under a pavilion near Audra Park. Knowing that cold weather was on the way, we started looking for a place to meet and a member generously gifted us with a building in the Industrial Park. It was small and needed a lot of work, but God provided us with a skilled builder and plenty of willing volunteers to get it in shape. It wasn't long until we were meeting in our new church home and the Spirit of God absolutely filled that little building! We quickly grew to capacity and after purchasing the land, began plans for a new one.
In June of 2009, we held our first service in our new building - just yards away from the old one. So many sacrifices, so many tears and yet so much love and laughter. Looking back, we see the hand of God through it all - and how grateful we are to serve and worship Him in our new home called Cornerstone.
Most people don't know that our church walls are filled with scripture - literally! One Sunday morning before the walls were put up, teachers took their classes to the new building and wrote different scriptures all over the framework.
Cornerstone is a very active church and primary focuses is on Christian growth. We do believe in evangelism, but we believe that a well-grounded Christian will evangelize!
We offer 5 different opportunities for Christians to grow in the Word of God on a weekly basis.
Adult Sunday School, Morning Worship, Evening Worship, a Tuesday Night Bible Study where we are currently working through Clarence Larkin's, “Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth” and a Wednesday Night Study.
For the men we offer a street preaching ministry, where we go out into various towns and preach and pass out tracts on the street corners.
For the ladies we have Cornerstone Women's Fellowship (CWF). Cornerstone Ladies meet once a month at the church. The group meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00, except for February, September, and December when the meetings are changed to a Saturday. Each meeting begins with a devotion, followed by the business portion. The ladies organize social events for the church throughout the year.
For your Children we offer a Sunday night Masters Club Ministry for children 2 year of age through high school.
We offer a youth group ministry for young adults from 7th grade through high school. Where we have activities at least once a month and always with a devotion.
The church currently has two pianists, but welcomes the congregation to share their musical abilities. Anyone wishing to perform during the worship service is encouraged to do so and should contact Pastor Dave Shelton.
We want to remind you, not to look for a church based on what it can do for you, but on where the Lord wants you to be.
The church should not be judged on how many it seats but on how many it sends out!
113 Industrial Park Road, Belington WV, 26250
PO Box 564 Belington WV, 26250